Extract Exe File

  1. Extract Exe File Cmd
  2. Extract Exe File On Windows

A lot of people already have a tool to extract files from an exe: WinZip. If you aren't a fan of WinZip, try 7Zip can do it too, and it's free. You should have a decent zip program installed anyway. Exe File Extract free download - Free RAR Extract Frog, File Shredder, File Recover, and many more programs.

How to Extract an Icon from an EXE or DLL File in Windows 10

  1. Jerrick Leger Free file extractor software helps you extract the one or more files contained within a compressed file, ending in extensions like ZIP, RAR, 7Z and many others. Compressing files is a very common practice to help keep downloads and backups organized and small.
  2. Archive Extractor Online Archive Extractor is a small and easy online tool that can extract over 70 types of compressed files, such as 7z, zipx, rar, tar, exe, dmg and much more.
  3. Jun 26, 2019 The best way to extract icons from an EXE file to an image file is to use some of the third-party ’exe-to-image’ tools. They all work on the same principle. First, they extract the icon image from an EXE file to an ICO file. Then, since ICO files are not image files, they perform one extra step and convert it to PNG or other image formats.

In this post, we will review a few tools that allow extracting icons from files in Windows 10. Windows allows using icons hardcoded to binary files like DLL and EXE for Desktop shortcut icons, but doesn't come with any option to extract those icons and save as ICO or PNG files. Here's how it can be done.

The ICO file format is an image file format used for app and shortcut icons in Windows. An ICO file contains one or more images at multiple sizes and color depths, so they can look well with various screen resolutions and scaling. Traditionally, executable files include an icon in ICO format bundled, so they appear in the Start menu, and on Desktop as icons for the shortcuts. However, it is possible to assign a custom icon to a shortcut by loading it from an external *.ICO file, *.EXE file, *.DLL file, or from any other file that has icon resources.

In Windows 10. there are plenty of good icons in the following files:


To extract an icon from a file, you need to use a third-party tool. There are plenty of tools available for that purpose. I'll cover three trusted freeware tools I personally love and use.

We will start with Resource Hacker, the tool that doesn't require to be introduced. It is a famous resource editor app.

To Extract Icon from EXE or DLL File in Windows 10,

  1. Download Resource Hacker.
  2. Install the app.
  3. Launch the app from the Start menu.
  4. In the app, go to the File > Open menu, or press Ctrl + O to browse for the file you want to extract an icon from (I will open c:windowsexplorer.exe).
  5. In the left pane, expand the Icon group and navigate to the desired icon (use the preview area on the right).
  6. From the menu, select Action > Save *.ico resource.
  7. Browse for the folder to store your ICO file and give it a name. You can put it right in your Desktop folder. Then click on Save.

You are done! The icon is now extracted and saved to the *.ico file:

A few notes

  1. Resource Hacker is a 32-bit app. If you are running it in a 64-bit Windows 10 version, it may fail to open certain system files. In this case you can copy them to another directory, e.g. you can copy the c:windowssystem32shell32.dll file to c:data and open the c:datashell32.dll file in Resource Hacker. This always works.
  2. By saving individual icons from the Icon group, you are getting an ICO file with a single icon size inside. This may or may not be convenient, depending on for what you are trying to extract the icon.
  3. To get an ICO file with all the available icon sizes, navigate to the Icon Group node in the left pane, expand it, and then repeats the steps from the above starting with the step #6.

Some users may find using Resource Hacker a bit complicated. So, here are a couple of alternative apps, IconViewer and IcoFX, which will additionally allow you to save icon resources to other image formats, including PNG and BMP.

Extract an Icon from EXE or DLL Files with IconViewer

  1. Download IconViewer. It has both 32-bit and 64-bit versions for your 32-bit or 64-bit OS.
  2. Install the app.
  3. Open File Explorer and navigate to the destination folder that contains the file you want to extract icons from. E.g., go to c:WindowsSystem32.
  4. Right-click on the file with icons, e.g. shell32.dll, and select Properties from the context menu.
  5. Switch to the Icons tab added by the IconViewer app.
  6. Select the icon you want to extract, and click on the floppy disk icon to save it to a file.
  7. Specify the destination folder, file name, and select the file format (ICO, PNG, or BMP) to save the icon. Click on the Save button.
  8. The icon is now saved.

You are done. IconViewer is a convenient and easy-to-use app that will save your time every time you need to extract an icon from a file in Windows 10.

Finally, there is yet another Freeware tool that you can use. It is called IcoFX (the official IcoFX web site). It was a freeware app, but recent app versions require a paid license. Lucky, FileHippo still hosts its last freeware version 1.6.4.

Using IcoFX

The main difference of IcoFX from apps mentioned above is that IcoFX is a full featured icon editor. Resource Hacker allows modifying binary files. IconViewer is just an icon resource extractor. With help of IcoFX you can draw you own icons using a number of drawing tools and graphical effects.

Here's how to use it.

To extract an icon from a file with IcoFX,

  1. Download the app (or buy the most recent version).
  2. Select File > Open from the menu (or press Ctrl + O).
  3. Select a file to extract an icon from.
  4. You will see a dialog with all icons the app was able to find in the file.
  5. Select the icon and click on Extract. This will open the icon in the editor.
  6. To extract an icon of the specific size, right-click on its thumbnail in the left pane of the editor and select Export Image... from the context menu.
  7. Specify the folder to store the file, the desired file format (PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or JP2), and give the name to your file.
  8. Click on the Save button.

You are done!

To save the extracted icon as an ICO file, the sequence is a little bit different.

To save the extracted icon as an ICO file with IcoFX,

  1. Select File > Open from the menu (or press Ctrl + O).
  2. Select a file to extract an icon from.
  3. You will see a dialog with all icons the app was able to find in the file.
  4. Select the icon and click on Extract. This will open the icon in the editor.
  5. Now, press CTRL + S or go to the File > Save menu.
  6. Specify the folder to store the file, and give the name to your file.
  7. You can choose between the Windows icon file format (*.ico) and Macintosh icons (*.icns)
  8. Click on the Save button.

You are done. This will write all the icons of sizes and format displayed in the editor to your ICO file.

That's it!


Dec 12 2019

EXE files are made for users of Microsoft's Windows, but today you have several ways to use EXE files on your Mac.
File Juicer VirtualBox Parallels Fusion ClamAV Boot Camp Crossover
Extracts images, CAB and other files from EXE Virtual Machine can run Windows Virtual Machine can run Windows Virtual Machine can run Windows Virus scanning Lets your Mac run Windows natively 95% Windows replacement
$18 $0 + $129 $80+$129 $99+$129 Free $0+$129 $40-

File Juicerdoes not run EXE files. It searches inside the EXE file to see if it contains images, Flash games or animations, compressed .ZIP or .RAR archives and many other formats. If if finds any, it will extract and save them. An example EXE file containing photos: AutumnToadStools.EXE

13 second movie showing how to extract images from an EXE file (a screen saver). This will work on some EXE files, but not if the EXE file is encrypted or use a proprietary storage system.

ZIP and RAR files are common inside EXE files which are made 'self extracting' on Windows by wrapping them in an EXE file. You open ZIP files by double-clicking them. RAR files require RAR Expander.

Pocket PC applications are often packaged as 'Windows only installers' in EXE files, and the developers forget to make an installer for Mac OS X.
File Juicer can extract the CAB files from the exe file, and you can manually copy this file to the Pocket PC and get it installed this way.

Adobe/Macromedia's Flash files are also often wrapped inside an EXE file. File Juicer can extract them, and you can play them with iSwiff .

Some EXE files containing other files are not possible to open with File Juicer. Typically this is packages made by installer applications like InstallerVise from MindVision.

The most affordable free and supported app to run Windows and apps on your Mac is VirtualBox from Oracle.

You do need a copy of Microsoft Windows, and the Home Edition of Windows 10 is about $129

It takes only a few minutes to download and install Virtual Box, but it may take more than an hour to get your copy of Windows and all the Windows software updates installed. You will also need 30-50GB of free disk space to set aside as to a virtual disk for your 'Windows PC'. I have successfully been able to run Windows 7 on a 20GB virtual disk

Parallels Desktop require a Mac with an Intel processor. It is more convenient to use than Apple's Boot Camp as it does not require to restart your Mac every time you want to run a Windows application.

Parallels Desktop is focused on personal use, while VMWare cater for enterprise users even though they keep VMWare Fusion for personal use

You still need a copy of Microsoft Windows and install it on a part of your hard disk. You also need to keep this part of your disk free of spyware, viruses. You can keep the Mac part of your disk separate from your Windows part, so nasty applications will not ruin your Mac data.

If your Mac is not quite new and only updated to macOS 13 'High Sierra' you can get away with an older copy of Parallels from Amazon: Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac


If you have a Mac with an Intel processor, VMWare Fusion will be an alternative to Parallels Desktop. VMWare is mostly focused on business users, but they still sell a version for personal use which is conveninent if you want to use the same software at home and at work. They are already known for making virtual Windows environments on Windows, so Windows users can run different versions of Windows on the same PC.

You do need a copy of Microsoft Windows

Extract Exe File Cmd

EXE files can be nasty to Windows users. If you want to use any of the applications below to run the EXE file you have, I recommend checking it for virus first. This is a good idea even though Windows viruses will only be dangerous for the part of your hard disk you set aside for Windows: one can never be too careful when running EXE files. Because File Juicer does not run EXE files, but search them for images, Flash animations and more, even infected EXE files are not dangerous when dropped on File Juicer for a search for extractable files.

Extract Exe File On Windows

ClamAV knows about 90.000 viruses. It is free and you can download ClamXav for Mac OS X here.

ClamXav is quite nice as it does not run in the background and slow your Mac down unless you directly ask for it (by launching ClamXav Sentry from the File menu).

Extract exe file android The newest Macs have an Intel processor inside, and Apple has made it possible via BootCamp to install Windows in a part of your disk. With Boot Camp, you shut down your Mac and restart it as a real Windows PC which works at full speed. When you want to go back to Mac OS, you restart it again as a Mac.

You still need to purchase a copy of Microsoft Windows, install it and keep that corner of your hard disk free of virus, worms and spyware.

Amazon: Microsoft Windows

Codeweavers CrossOver (since 2007) - is a way to Windows applications without having Windows. This is of course more affordable, and you don't have to work through a Windows installation which may take hours.

The disadvantage is that it is not a 100% Windows replacement, but they have focused on the most common parts of Windows, and if an application only depend on those it should work. Their compatibility list of supported applications give an impression of how much of Windows they support.

Amazon: Code Weavers Crossover Mac (Mac)

The 3 most popular places to look for Mac software are: Visit them both as they are different in how they present their lists. MacUpdate and VersionTracker has user reviews of the software too.

While all active software developers list their software on these 3 sites, there are more which write about using Mac software. MacWorld.